Friday, 3 April 2020

FAITH – how to develop dynamic faith

There are 3 types of faith
1. Measure of Faith
2. Gift of Faith
3. Fruit of Faith

Levels of “Measure of Faith”
A. Little faith: comes and goes, not sure. Romans 12:3 (God imparts it when we are saved at salvation) – develops as we grow. Ephesians 2:8 – all of us have faith. I live by the faith of the son of God – Gal 12:3
B. Great Faith: good but not good enough – I’ve not seen such great faith in all Israel. I believe God will do it but not there to believe in the perfect rhealm that nothing can shake it out of me. Even unbelievers like the centurion can have it. Matthew 8:5
C. Perfect Faith: James 2: 21, 22. Hebrews 11:1 – Substance of Faith. I know that I know that I know that I know.

What is faith?
Believing in the character, his truthfulness (He cannot lie), in the integrity of God Almighty.

How to get Perfect Faith (only “Measure of Faith” type of faith)

Learning principles:
  • Know that faith can grow. 2 Tess 1:3: “your faith is growing more and more”
    • Jesus is God’s word and God’s will in action.
    • God does not only speak with his mouth, his actions speak also
  • Hope starts in the mind – when it moves to the spirit, that is where the heart is. 
    • Hope → Faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for.
    • Romans 10:10: With the heart man believeth unto* righteousness; with the mouth that you confess your faith and are saved
What to do: Meditate on the Word
  • You allow the Word into your mind, and then you meditate / ruminate on the Word
  • Think about the scenes in the bible in pictures, enter into the scene personally 
  • Allow these scenes to enter into your heart. The example of Eliezer.
  • Go slow.
The Word will give life to you – Dynamic faith.
Be filled with the spirit. Eph 5: when the wind fills the sails, the whole ship moves.

Self Check: 7 Locations faith will take you to
  1. Salvation, Sozo. Exocism. Eph 2:8
  2. Security: 1Pet 1:5 That I am in Jesus; blessed assurance
  3. nswered prayer. Mark 11:24: Know that prayer is going to be answered (just a matter of time that God will answer)
  4. Healings. James 5: 14-15: The prayer of faith shall save the sick.
  5. Strong walk in Jesus daily. 2 Corr 5:7: We walk by faith not by sight
  6. Victory. 1 John 5:4: Our faith overcomes the world
  7. Holiness. Acts 15:9