Friday, 27 November 2020

The Cross

Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain. But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

The CROSS not only pays for our sins. It also pays for events that we paid for but felt like would be a waste not to consume. Here Father God says, "even if you've paid for it, you no longer have to attend it - I'll cover your cost. It's been covered by the blood of my Son Jesus".

One of the reasons why the children of Israel wanted to stay in Egypt was because the price to BE in Egypt was paid - (although the Bible say pittance). The Lord says - it will not be a waste to leave Egypt and throw away what you have paid. Because I will cover that cost, I'll give you back that money. With that, Jesus led them out (Hebrews).

In the Spirit there is Freedom!

Source: Dream, pageant, paid 109 for it and felt like i had to attend it because I paid. But I wanted to tap out early but I didn't want to deliberately make myself look bad because I failed. People will say - don't dishonour the judges and the people to organised the pageant. The Lord says - I have paid the price, leave.