Thursday, 19 August 2021

The great RESET

I decided to write here because most of my words fall on deaf ears, or just encourages more foolish response that aggravates me.

Today, the word was RESET.

I found that one of the issues H goes in circles about with no satisfying conclusion to a long soliloquy is the question of how to build a just, sustainable and fair society for all people. H manages to hit almost all the pitfalls of the analysis here, and I suffer its consequences of (A) not getting a word in and (B) having to sit through confusion and then apathy (the apathy seems to come out of religious apathy for God's hand)  , or paranoia (also based on a religious tradition of terrible things happening in the last days) as a listening ear. 

Among my secular humanistic friends, B goes also in circles with outrageous idealism and no suggestion on effective implementation and leaves with righteous anger but no practical conclusion on implementation, with strong faith that humanity will find the correct path. So he leaves with great anger but still hope for the future, based on the history of human improvement. 

Here are the solutions:

1. Separate the message from the messenger

2. Identify separate issues and then pass them individually through a biblical lens. 

For justice: care for disenfranchised and powerless

For sustainability: stewardship is taking care of the world because it is God's and engenders a wider sense of responsibility that encompasses aspects of the natural world that has no immediate impact on human life. Not just so that we can live in it for a longer time.

Technology: see without seeing the antichrist around every corner. The bible anthropology of human nature strikes a note of caution amid the utopian technological dreams. Humans are made in the image of a loving and wise creator - however, you and I are also fallen and capable of great evil, and not to say self-deception. That is why the separation of powers is by and large a good principle - any increased digitalisation should resist control by a small number of multi-national corporations, governments or individuals.

Your beliefs affect your behaviour and investment in resources.

Article here: Gospel Coalition Australia on the Great Reset