Tuesday, 23 July 2024


I just bought a skirt and tops for Thursday's meeting, walking through Tangs.. stopped for dumplings and was waiting for the Lord to speak to me about the skirt or the meeting. But the music to this song caught my heart. Strength came into my spirit.

你会看见雾, 看见云, 看见太阳
龟裂的大地, 重复着悲伤

他走了    带不走你的天堂 

风干后    会留下

他走了    你可以把梦留下 

总会有个地方    等待爱飞翔

Lydia, 幸福不在远方
开一扇窗    许下愿望

你会感受爱, 感受恨, 感受原谅生命总不会只充满悲伤

我一直相信在这世上春在一个地方, 一个让现实抓不到你的地方。在那里, 梦想离你很近, 很近。

Jerusalem. The City of God. Zion.