His eyes of burning love for you
And He will hold you in the storm
I just bought a skirt and tops for Thursday's meeting, walking through Tangs.. stopped for dumplings and was waiting for the Lord to speak to me about the skirt or the meeting. But the music to this song caught my heart. Strength came into my spirit.
你会看见雾, 看见云, 看见太阳
龟裂的大地, 重复着悲伤
他走了 带不走你的天堂
风干后 会留下彩虹泪光
他走了 你可以把梦留下
总会有个地方 等待爱飞翔
Lydia, 幸福不在远方
开一扇窗 许下愿望
你会感受爱, 感受恨, 感受原谅
我一直相信在这世上春在一个地方, 一个让现实抓不到你的地方。在那里, 梦想离你很近, 很近。
Jerusalem. The City of God. Zion.
When I heard of the stories written by saints, and watched those cartoons of Catholic saints ... I always thought how amazing it would be to know a God like that.
And now I do, it is more amazing than I thought, more than a dream come true... thank you Lord.
I decided to write here because most of my words fall on deaf ears, or just encourages more foolish response that aggravates me.
Today, the word was RESET.
I found that one of the issues H goes in circles about with no satisfying conclusion to a long soliloquy is the question of how to build a just, sustainable and fair society for all people. H manages to hit almost all the pitfalls of the analysis here, and I suffer its consequences of (A) not getting a word in and (B) having to sit through confusion and then apathy (the apathy seems to come out of religious apathy for God's hand) , or paranoia (also based on a religious tradition of terrible things happening in the last days) as a listening ear.
Among my secular humanistic friends, B goes also in circles with outrageous idealism and no suggestion on effective implementation and leaves with righteous anger but no practical conclusion on implementation, with strong faith that humanity will find the correct path. So he leaves with great anger but still hope for the future, based on the history of human improvement.
Here are the solutions:
1. Separate the message from the messenger
2. Identify separate issues and then pass them individually through a biblical lens.
For justice: care for disenfranchised and powerless
For sustainability: stewardship is taking care of the world because it is God's and engenders a wider sense of responsibility that encompasses aspects of the natural world that has no immediate impact on human life. Not just so that we can live in it for a longer time.
Technology: see without seeing the antichrist around every corner. The bible anthropology of human nature strikes a note of caution amid the utopian technological dreams. Humans are made in the image of a loving and wise creator - however, you and I are also fallen and capable of great evil, and not to say self-deception. That is why the separation of powers is by and large a good principle - any increased digitalisation should resist control by a small number of multi-national corporations, governments or individuals.
Your beliefs affect your behaviour and investment in resources.
Article here: Gospel Coalition Australia on the Great Reset
Saturday Night, 22 May 2021
Tonight I want to worship, because, I finally shared my testimony with my dad after three years.
"It has been three years.. and I want to share with you what happened.."
It was pentacost the week before, so today, I want to worship and thank the Lord for His goodness. The goodness and provision of the Father, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the sweet fellowship of Jesus.
My father listened with water in his eyes, but said "your mom needs help".
Still, God you are Good, and I believe you.
Minister to me Lord, I love you.
And then, an unfamiliar song played on YouTube as I walked down Bukit Timah road, by the expressway, towards the petrol kiosk facing Botanic Gardens, by Kheam Keat Road.
"It's ok to believe, just open and receive, I want you to have confidence, in MY LOVE".
"Stop acting as though can earn itI don't love you cos you deserve, I love you because that's who I amLet love win"
"Lord I know you love me"
For many years I've strived to be happy, especially since my father gave me Andrew Matthew's book, Being Happy!
But today...
maybe sorrow is a gift from God.
sorrow received allows us to connect with those in pain, and put their pain into our baskets of sorrow, as prayers lifted up in offering to the Lord, who gladly exchanges them with us for joy. so much that our mouths were filled in laughter, our tongues with songs of joy, no words, leaving bystanders to say " the LORD has done good things for them".
Learning Shir Ha'alot today, I realised this was the very same song that the Lord presented to me for my family on 11 July 2020:
Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
The man who goes out weeping, carrying "pulling" seed to sow
will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.
Psalm 126.
Like the dream of Joseph
when the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed.
God I don't want to strive to "be happy", bring me into your loving presence and thank you for making me all that I am. Amen.
The Beloved, My Beloved, who watched over me, in my house.
I have a verse that I like to rely on -
"I lift my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from"
Even though the mountains appear stable, everlasting, hard, reliable, our hope is not in the mountain, or the mountain gods but in "the LORD",
"the Maker of heaven and earth", Himself. Blessed be His name.
Last night, I went to bed, thinking of Gaza and reading word on Jerusalem. It was a difficult afternoon, the Lord, the Father CRYING out, horrified, looking at his hands... his children. The left hand, the right hand, both are of his flesh, killing one is as bad a killing the other. Seeing the feet of Jesus walking by Jerusalem, we can see the Son of Man, whose eyes of fire are burning, the seven lamps of fire burning, the sea of glass..
Weeping, Lord, have mercy on us, have mercy. Your righteous justice reigns, will reign, blessed be the feet of the one who brings Good News. Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness, for they WILL BE filled.
"He who watches over Israel will not sleep nor slumber"... and I went to bed. and when I woke up on 17 May 2021, alive, it was a Monday a work day. Yet, He who watches over Israel will not sleep nor slumber. The virgil over Israel remained, watching.
This is the Lord who promises to keep me from harm, keep Israel from harm, keep us from all harm,
watching over our life
watching over our coming and going
both now
and forevermore.
The One. The same, God, My GOD.
Hallelujah for the Lord, God Omnipotent..
It is Monday evening now and what mercy with justice looks like, is Jesus cradling his elder brothers to his heart, while bearing the wrath of righteousness on his back. By His stripes we are healed.
10:02: Why we continue to pray for healing, testimonial from 29 years experience
Command to have unshaken belief : when you hear the truth - the truth will set you free.
Beyond the revealed will of God to which we were all called to obey, there is the revealed will of God
Understanding that it will be currently occupied. God created everything and he is free to give it to whoever He deems fit.
"chope tissue papers".
1. Abraham planted the Tamarisk Tree: Confidence and Expectation
2. Building wells in the desert: Abraham broke ground to build wells - through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (he couldn't possibly have kept digging holes!). Supply of water to be able to live. This will bless you and those around the well, too.
3. Building wells in the desert, again by Isaac: If someone covers it up, hope again.
4. Alters everywhere
How much would it take for a person who has done a lot of "good" in a project, an enterprise, a cause, to give that up, in favour for what is "God"?
I was reading Rabbi Fohrman's commentary on Abraham's journey and found too many parallels between his faith tests and H's faith tests, my faith test. Eg.,
- being tested when we don't know we are being tested
- Being taken out of Egypt but having Egypt come along
- usurping God in grabbing the promises that he had not fully given yet
- overcoming the narcissism in our relationship with God
- having trouble in identifying the right partners and letting go of the wrong ones (eg. Lot, Hagar)
H thinks that each person has their own journey but she cannot be more wrong. When the Word converges with our world, the tests and patterns in our lives are eerily similar and close to the patterns of our patriarchs in the bible.
I guess this is what it means by He live in us and we in Him (the Word). I guess this is what it means by the Word was made Flesh.
Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be washed by the Word. There is so much richness in the Book of Life that so many do not see. It is true though that the He, by his Holy Spirit speaks in parables so that only his disciples can understand.
Even if I did share this information with H, she would not be able to receive all of it.
Do we need any reason more to go deeper into the Word other than
just for the sheer Joy of knowing God? 😊
Mozart died around 35, which was my age just a couple of years ago.
I'd like to think that he did meet the Lord before he did, having now heard this Requiem Mass, which he wrote and did not finish.
As a child, his pieces were the chirpiest and easiest to play (by impression), I cannot think of the pieces now.
As an adult, the Queen of the Night aria in The Magic Flute most intrigued me; but having been saved, I felt a tad disappointed that the piece had illuminati affiliates. I couldn't believe that Mozart, with all his talent that was obviously gifted from Above, ended up with the dark side!
Now having done some research, it seems that the lyrics to this amazing last Requiem was not written by Mozart but probably by one of his students. See here.
Emotional, grand and impressive. I'm glad to have a piece to enjoy.
God works in amazing ways - everything is His.
In our partnership with the Lord, God who began a good work in each of us will carry it on to completion until the Day of the Lord.
We have nothing to worry about - as he will provide the grace necessary for completion.
Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain. But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
The CROSS not only pays for our sins. It also pays for events that we paid for but felt like would be a waste not to consume. Here Father God says, "even if you've paid for it, you no longer have to attend it - I'll cover your cost. It's been covered by the blood of my Son Jesus".
One of the reasons why the children of Israel wanted to stay in Egypt was because the price to BE in Egypt was paid - (although the Bible say pittance). The Lord says - it will not be a waste to leave Egypt and throw away what you have paid. Because I will cover that cost, I'll give you back that money. With that, Jesus led them out (Hebrews).
In the Spirit there is Freedom!
Source: Dream, pageant, paid 109 for it and felt like i had to attend it because I paid. But I wanted to tap out early but I didn't want to deliberately make myself look bad because I failed. People will say - don't dishonour the judges and the people to organised the pageant. The Lord says - I have paid the price, leave.
The journey from Egypt to the Promised Land is not a breaking of new frontier
It's a journey home to where we belong but forgot when we were scammed into Egypt for pitance
In remembering we have the Holy Spirit as our GPS and more, set in our heart as our personal guide
When we can't overcome, that shows the power and might of the Almighty One who conquered even the grave.
So we praise.
Lord, teach us how not to be afraid of the evil within each of us but to confront and conquer
through the cruxificion at the cross.
Let no man deceive himself that the first station of the cross addresses the seed of Adam within.
In Jesus name, amen.
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”
Hebrews 11:6, KJV: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."If you want to have a relationship with God, you must first come to him, right?
Theresa of Avila: "Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon Him in yourself."Read: Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
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Whack a mole. When you whack it, whack it until it’s dead.
Elisha’s last prophetic word.
The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it…” 2 Kgs 13:16
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Defend your lentil patch. The Lord honours that.
When the Philistine banded together at a place where there was a field full of LENTILS, Israel’s troops fled from them. But SHAMMAH took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the LORD brought about a great victory. 2 Sam 23: 11.
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Stewardship – why fight so hard, when your work will belong to the Lord and it’s going to be tithed away anyway
What is holy belongs to the Lord – if it’s God’s portion to you, it belongs to the Lord.
But instead David poured it out before the LORD. “Far be it from me, LORD, to do this!” he said “ Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?” And David would not drink it.
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Pray the imprecatory psalms
It is right to hate evil
Those who love the Lord will hate evil
Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Psa 97:10
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Remain in me – apart from me you can do nothing.
“Shall we kill them my father, shall we kill them?”/”Shall we command fire to rain on them?” – which produce a "no" from God.
Note Jesus’ command: Do not curse your enemies; turn the other cheek (so hard!)
Praying to God to call judgment against the evil, in line with “Anyone who does not love the Lord, let him be accursed!” 1 Cor 16:22
Stop trying to find a formula and listen on a per situation basis. Enter his courts with worship and praise! Strip off your yoke with repentance.
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Personal life battles vs Church corporate battles
I choose to be with you
I choose to be in you
I choose to serve you
In C.S. Lewis’s classic work of “supposal,” The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, we see where Aslan makes the payment of his life for Edmund’s liberation in response to the White Witch’s demands. It’s a powerful scene and not without biblical resonance, but if we draw the lines to directly, we may make a theological mistake of some importance. Aslan is clearly Christ in the story, and the Witch is clearly the stand-in for our accuser Satan. But while Satan is often called the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), he is still subservient to the sovereign Lord of all the cosmos. So we have to be careful in how we speak of ransom, lest we lend too much power to the enemy and deflect too much glory away from God.
Visual Theology Website "The infographics are always free for you to download." Gosh, what an angel! 😍 |
Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singin'
Songs that bring Your hope and
Songs that bring Your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice
"What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground."